Listing verification: Proof of Ownership

Listing verification is an important part of ensuring safe and transparent trading on KnifeMarket. It provides proof of ownership, ensuring the listing is in the seller's possession.

If the listing has a Verified badge, the owner provided proof of ownership, assuring the item is indeed in their possession. Most sellers choose to verify their listings.


Look for these two badges on the listing pages:

Verified listing

Unverified listing

How do we verify proof of ownership?

When a new listing is submitted, the seller receives an email with verification instructions.

To verify the listing, the seller should:

  • Write down the received randomly generated code on a piece of paper.
  • Take a photo of the code next to the item and email us the photo.
  • Our team will inspect the photo and verify the listing, if OK.

Should I consider purchasing Unverified listings?

Yes, but proceed with caution. If the listing is Unverified, it doesn't necessarily mean the seller or the listing is fraudulent. We do recommend asking the seller for some extra photos or asking them to verify the listing via KnifeMarket.

If you suspect foul play with a specific listing, report it by contacting KnifeMarket support.

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